What is Individual Living Option (ILO) mean for Victorians?

ILO was introduced in Victoria in August 2021. The NDIA expects the scheme for a large intake in Victoria to cover participants' needs that might not be able to apply for SDA.

The NDIS has developed individualized Living Option (ILO) to provide the support that the Participant choose. An ILO arrangement is about the support that can help you live in a home environment of your choosing.

An ILO arrangement does not provide you with the house itself or assist with the cost of your home eg, rent, or mortgage, that you may wish to live in, but helps you to live in the environment and with who you may want to live.

Please click HERE to read the NDIS ILO Guidelines in full.

Steps Hand in Hand VIC can help you to secure ILO;

STEP 1 - Commencing the ILO process

If you are considering an ILO arrangement, to start the ILO process, the NDIS form Supporting Evidence form – Home and Living located on the NDIS website needs to be completed and lodged with the NDIA. CLICK HERE 

The NDIS will review this completed form and any supporting documentation to identify and determine the appropriate home and living supports that may assist you in pursuing your ILO arrangement.

Once this has been processed and approved by the NDIA, you will receive ILO Exploration and Design funding in your NDIA Plan to look into an ILO arrangement that best suits you.

If you have already received Exploration and Design funding in your NDIA Plan, you can move on to step 2.

Step 2 - Complete the Starting Questions

We have developed a process that helps people interested in an ILO explore their options, as well as gathers the information we need to start the assessment process for an ILO arrangement. If you would like to start this process, please get in touch.

What is the process once the Starting Questions have been completed and submitted:

A member of the Hand in Hand VIC Team will contact you to provide further information, outlining the steps involved in exploring and developing your ILO arrangement. Once this is signed, we will commence the ILO assessment process with us.

Developing an ILO Service proposal takes a lot of work. There are no quick turnarounds in developing a Service Proposal to be submitted to the NDIA for consideration and approval. This process typically takes at least 3 months, sometimes more, depending on the circumstances and the information required to develop a Service Proposal. This could also include the time for the NDIA to consider and assess the submitted Service Proposal.

There are 2 Stages to creating an ILO arrangement that best suits you.

STAGE 1 - Exploring & Designing 

When this stage is completed, the Service Proposal will be finalized and submitted to the NDIA for consideration and assessment.

 STAGE 2 - Supports

Once the Service proposal has been approved by the NDIA this will commence the implementation stage of the ILO.

What your ILO might look like:

  • HOST ARRANGEMENT - you live full-time with a person or family (Host), who is unrelated to you. The Host provides a safe and welcoming home and the help your need. This option is popular with young adults who are looking to stay with their foster (Host) family. 

  • HOUSEMATES/CO-RESIDENT - you live full-time with people who provide care, help, and companionship.

  • MENTORS - a small team of paid supports exclusive to you who spend extended periods providing direct and indirect support.

  • PERSONAL RENTAL - participant is to rent/ own home and utilise care providers for up to 20 hours a week. 

Why would I choose Hand in Hand VIC as my provider?

Hand in Hand VIC provides an unbiased and impartial way of arranging your services. We will succeed with you when you find a suitable living arrangement that works for you.

We are here to study and design for your needs and find suitable living options to meet your needs. You and your trusted support group will be involved every step of the way, and we will work with you to plan for your future.